
Cubetto Resources

Get to know Cubetto

Cubetto Robot

Cubetto Coding Grid

Cubetto Map

Cubetto Coding Blocks

Cubetto Story Books

  • Chose a storybook and a the map to go with it.
  • Read through the story book and see if you can take Cubetto on an adventure.

Your Own adventure

  • Can you use the blocks to take Cubetto on your own adventure?
  • Where can you take it?
  • Can you write a story about Cubetto's adventure?

Video Tutorials

No video tutorials for Cubetto at the moment.

Things to Remember

  1. Be gentle with Cubetto use it on the floor
  2. Cubetto says "I don't like water, I'm an inside robot"

Cubetto TeXperts

There are no Cubetto TeXperts yet.

Teacher Resources