Hardware Badges

When you're ready to earn a badge

you'll need to join our Hardware and Software Google Classrooms

You only need to join the classrooms ONCE.  

Level 1

You'll need two different badges to be able to use the 3D printer..

Google Workspace badges can be found here

Unmaker badges need to be completed in the Unmaker space in the library.

Level 2

Level 2 Edison Badge

Level 2 Ozobot Badge

Level 2 mBot Badge

Level 2 Micro:bit Badge

Level 2 Sphero Badge

Level 3

If you've completed your level 1 and level 2 badge you can go on to complete your level 3 badge.  Click on the badge you'd like to complete.

Level 3 Edison Badge

Level 3 Micro:Bit Badge

Level 3 Ozobot Badge

How will I know if I earned my badge or not?

Once you've earned your badge your name will be added to the badge slide decks here